Ab(solutely) Normal:
Short Stories That Smash Mental Health Stereotypes
- Texas Library Association TAYSHAS State Reading List Selection
- Children’s Book Council – Top 10 Teacher Favorites 2024
- Children's Book Council - Librarian Favorites 2024
Praise"AB(SOLUTELY) NORMAL is a beautiful, funny, honest, heart-aching, heart-affirming read, one I know I'll go back to again and again...Dear readers everywhere, you need this book!" "AB(SOLUTELY) NORMAL is absolutely extraordinary and necessary. We need these stories." "Adults take note: this book is for you. Teens take note: this book is for you. I highly recommend it." "By turns cathartic, inspiring, authentic, and deeply felt, this is easily the most essential book of the year for teen readers. Don't miss it!" |
"This anthology is an English teacher's dream. It can be used as a powerful mentor text because the book contains many different genres: poetry, a one-act play, epistolary, transcript, a graphic story, and fiction that is organized in unique ways. The possibilites for teaching various organizations patterns are one reason alone for using this book...a one-stop wonder book for the classroom and our homes."
-Dr. Susan Densmore-James,
The Book Dealer & Director
of the Emerald Coast
Writing Project
"AB(SOLUTELY) NORMAL should be required reading for all teens, and their parents and teachers. Teens with mental health issues will feel seen, while those without them will learn empathy and kindness. Oh, how I wish this book had been around when I was in high school!"
-Tanya Guerrero, award-winning author of
How to Make Friends with the Sea,
All You Knead is Love, and Adrift
"Excellent and much needed. Every story is strong and important...there are no duds here. As editors, Nora Shalaway Carpenter and Rocky Callen made superb choices in both content and format. Whenever someone requests titles dealing with mental health, AB(SOLUTELY) NORMAL will be my first recommendation."
-Gary Anderson, ELA educator &
professional development instructor
"Covering topics such as anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and PMDD, this sensitive work authentically portrays its teen characters as complex beings whose positive relationships—with friends and family, and with their own mental health—exude hope. Back matter includes resources."
-School Library Journal
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