Fancy Bio
(for conference and press use)
Nora Shalaway Carpenter is an award-winning author, writing educator, and audiobook narrator. Her newest novel FAULT LINES won the 2024 Green Earth Book Award for YA, the 2024 Nautilus Book Award Gold Medal for YA, and is a Whippoorwill Book Award long list selection, among other honors. Her books have made numerous prestigious lists, including "Best of the Year" by NPR, Kirkus Reviews, Bank Street Books, the Texas Library Association TAYSHAS state reading list, and the Library of Congress's Discover Great Places Through Reading list. Her works have won accolades including the Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection, the Whippoorwill Award for authentic rural fiction, and the Nautilus Award championing "better books for a better world." She holds an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts and serves as faculty for the Highlights Foundation's Whole Novel Workshop. A neurodivergent author with an invisible disability, she champions busting stereotypes of all kinds. Visit her at noracarpenterwrites.com.
How to Pronounce My Name
Personal introHi, I'm Nora, lover of all things wild. I'm a neurodivergent author with an invisible disability, which seems to surprise people; like many people with neurodivergent brains, I'm masterful at masking. As a kid, I had no idea my brain was wired differently, but looking back, it totally makes sense! My novels weave in social justice themes because as people living in the world, these themes impact all of us. With my books, I aim to provide riveting stories while also provoking deep and critical thought.
Similarly, as an anthologist, I prefer to curate stories centered around social justice concerns, i.e. human concerns, with the specific goals of highlighting diverse viewpoints and introducing new, emerging voices alongside established, award-winning authors. I'm an academic at heart, so I love to nerd out about research. I present at numerous conferences every year. If I'm not writing or rounding up my three kiddos, I am probably doing something related to musical theatre, either chaufering my son to rehearsals, serving my community as a board member of our regional theatre, or--my newest pushing-my-comfort-zone endeavor--attempting tap lessons. |
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